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Silvia Gribaudi

Her shows have been featured in a number of national and international festivals and are the result of a creative process that focuses on dialogue and poetic encounter with other artists, dance companies, and communities.

Silvia Gribaudi is an Italian choreographer and performing artist. Since 2004, she has focused her research on the social impact of bodies, placing the comic element and the relationship between audience and performers at the centre of her choreographic language.

She has won the Premio Giovane Danza D’Autore Award for her piece A CORPO LIBERO (2009), the Premio CollaborAction#4 2018-2019, the Premio DANZA&DANZA 2019 for best Italian production for her piece GRACES, and of the Premio Histryo Corpo a Corpo in 2021. She has also taken part in many collaborations and artistic research projects such as TRIPTYCH (2013), ACT YOUR AGE (2014), a European project about active ageing through the art of dance, and CORPO LINKS CLUSTER (2019-2020), on the connection between dance, mountains, and the communities that inhabit them.

In 2021 she was a guest choreographer on “Danser Encore, 30 solos pour 30 danseurs”, a project for the Opéra de Lyon. Her shows have been featured in a number of national and international festivals and are the result of a creative process that focuses on dialogue and poetic encounter with other artists, dance companies, and communities.